Oct 26, 2020 | Instructional/How to
Word is a program that most data workers can’t live without. It’s easy to use interface and intuitive layout makes it faster to learn than other word processing software out there. Plus, since it’s a part of the Microsoft Office 365 suite, it’s...
Oct 13, 2020 | Instructional/How to, Uncategorized
Microsoft OneNote is a commonly used weapon in the Microsoft 365 arsenal that combats disorganization. And for good reason. Microsoft has been perfecting it since 2003, and it is now a universe of information gathering, organization, and integration tools that can...
Sep 22, 2020 | Instructional/How to, Products & Terms
Microsoft Forms is a little known, but super helpful tool in the Microsoft productivity suite. It’s simple and intuitive to use (yes, we mean it!). Even the most basic user can quickly create forms, surveys, quizzes, polls, and a lot more. Creating branded template,...
Sep 14, 2020 | Instructional/How to
In our last blog, we showcased the most commonly used types of phishing scams like waterholing, whaling, and smishing. Now we want to help you spot them. Most of these scams have tell-tale signs which means that you can proactively train your employees and educate...
Aug 20, 2020 | Instructional/How to
It’s always helpful to take a fresh look at keyboard shortcuts. After all, we change how we work all the time, like a new mouse or monitor that shifts how we approach our keyboards. Or new programs and cause us to perform new repetitive tasks. These are some of...
Aug 3, 2020 | Instructional/How to
Many businesses provide Microsoft business tools for their users and the most common interfaces to access email through are the Outlook desktop Outlook for mobile applications. That’s because they have easy to understand layouts, simple navigation, and pretty...