Mar 1, 2021 | Instructional/How to
These days more and more of our interactions are written out, whether in emails, instant messaging, or text messaging. Since we find ourselves writing more and more, it’s tempting to find ways to cut corners in an attempt to get more done. But at what cost? All...
Feb 8, 2021 | Instructional/How to
Workers who have used Outlook for years are typically familiar with These are some of our favorite tricky tips, but a word of warning: creating too many folders and automations (like those that rules take care of) can eventually create more issues than solve them. Be...
Feb 2, 2021 | Instructional/How to
Some days, incoming emails just won’t slow down. And if you’re trying to meet a deadline or focus on a customer issue, scanning each one for critical issues can be a part-time job that delays everything else. Even for people who continuously use the four “D”s of email...
Jan 15, 2021 | Instructional/How to, IT Operations
The pandemic threw (and is still throwing) many curveballs at small businesses. One of the most impactful was the shift from onsite to remote work models. But as stated, that was only one. With so many other issues to face—like new technology needs and customer access...
Dec 14, 2020 | Instructional/How to
Since more and more people work remotely, psychological studies are emerging that dig into the real implications of bad work habits. And since lion’s share of schools and companies don’t teach us how to be an effective worker (only how to work), we are left to our own...
Dec 1, 2020 | Instructional/How to, Uncategorized
Excel is a vast universe of tools that are all designed to store, organize, and (most importantly) manipulate data. For anyone who’s used the program, it’s pretty apparent from the start that even a user working in it for a few years probably only scratches the...