Convenience is now a fact of everyday life. So much so that it’s taken for granted. That’s why employees are now insisting on using their personal mobile devices like smartphones and tablets for business purposes. Put these devices together with private and public wi-fi networks and companies are looking at a having a workforce that can do just about anything anywhere they are.

But what about the potential consequences of allowing access anytime and anywhere? Are small businesses doing enough preemptive planning to address potential risks that could arise with the use of BYOD devices? In most cases, the answer is no. But there are some simple questions they should be asking as they try to make sure they stay safe while allowing employees more technological freedom. 


First, it’s important that small businesses honestly assess whether their systems, networks, data, and overall infrastructure are ready to use an array of mobile devices. 

Once it’s agreed that both internal IT and cloud items are prepared for BYOD, time should be spent on putting solutions in place that are concurrent with terms of use policies. And they should make sure they adhere to sensitive data guidelines. The following questions should be answered.  

  • What particular devices or applications are permissible for work use? Assuming security requirements are in place, it’s very likely that not every device or application will meet them. 
  • Will anyone in the company be tasked with the daily management of BYOB strategies?
  • What should BYOD policies cover and what kind of management solutions are needed?
  • Would it be best to resource a BYOD management tool that collects device information, deploys and monitors usage, and offers insight into compliance? 
  • Which costs will be the responsibility of the employee? This pertains to any fees associated with usage, like network plans, the device itself, software, accessories, and maintenance costs. 
  • What data will be accessible?
  • Will data encryption be necessary for certain information traveling through the personal devices of employees?
  • Which employees will have read, write, update/delete privileges?
  • What is the process when handling sensitive data stored on lost or stolen devices, or the personal devices of ex-employees?
  • Does the company or organization have the right to wipe out the entire device or just corporate data and apps?  

BYOD is here to stay because it affords smaller-sized companies the mobility of a corporate giant without a huge investment. But when it comes to ensuring that devices, applications, and networks are safe from the variety of threats linked to greater mobility, small business owners may find it necessary to enlist the help of a managed service provider to adequately take on mobile management challenges and provide ongoing consultation.  

If you believe your company may not have the resources to set up, manage, and enforce your BYOD plan, contact us. We can talk you through a typical process and show you how we can manage all or only part of your solution.