The Scam

In the latest COAVID-19 scam, fraudsters are impersonating financial institutions to steal from Americans who are expecting stimulus checks from the US federal government. To soften the economic blow dealt by the virus, the US Senate approved a $2 trillion stimulus package on March 25. Attackers created a convincing email and landing page that appeared to come from a major financial institution. The email sent by the attackers claims that this financial institution has placed the funds on hold until the user can sign in and ‘verify account ownership’.

What You Can Do

Help Desk Cavalry has your company covered against malware attacks and cybercriminals hoping to infiltrate you, but we can’t cover human interaction with fraudulent emails like these. Here are some helpful tips to help you avoid getting caught in a fraud web:

  • If you receive a notice that any funds you expect are on hold, call your bank’s customer service line directly.
  • Do not call a number provided in the email or any resulting landing page.
  • Do not open any attachments or click on any links in the email until after you’ve spoken with your bank.

We hope this helps you protect yourself, your business, and others. We’re always here for you if you need us by calling 360-930-6991 or emailing us at