Kimberly Brys
Client Engagement Director
Kim Brys is an integral part of our team and is known well by the majority of our clients in her roles at HDCav. Through her dedication to the success of our clients and staff, Kim propelled herself through service roles to the Client Experience Manager position. This position allows Kim to apply her fifteen-plus years of customer service and management experience to improve and streamline our processes. She is always hands on and stands ready to address any need, making it her mission to improve communications and client experience. Kim spends her free time with her small zoo of a pet family as well as her human one. She also enjoys spending time with friends and has wonderful way of relating to others which she utilizes on a daily basis.
Kim’s favorite nonprofits in the area are Kitsap Humane Society and The Coffee Oasis. Her quote to live by is: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” —Margaret Mead